Worth Fighting For

Some things are just worth fighting for. We could all probably list many things. Just like us, the Apostle Paul thought some things were worth fighting for. We see in Galatians 1, he was willing to fight for the Gospel. Not just any gospel – the ONLY true Gospel.


Galatians is an important letter we find in the New Testament. Written to Christians who were struggling to live in the freedom of God’s grace, the elements of this letter can help us learn what it means to truly have freedom through Christ.

Worshiping Women (Mother’s Day)

Women played an important role in the early church, and they still do today. What kind of characteristics do we see in those women who walked with Jesus, stayed with Him at the cross, arrived first at the tomb, and ultimately declared the truth and power of His resurrection?

The Moment

There is a moment in the life of every Jesus follower where they made the decision to begin a relationship with Him. Today, we get to hear a real story from a real person: Paul Schwanke.


Who is called out? What does that even mean? Does Jesus only call certain people? There are a ton of questions when it comes to following after Jesus, and in this series we will explore what it looks like, who it’s for and what it means for all of us.

Becoming New

Jesus came to save sinners. Sounds pretty familiar, right? Seriously though, Jesus came to save YOU. What is your response to that? What is your response when Jesus actually says, “Follow me?”


Who is called out? What does that even mean? Does Jesus only call certain people? There are a ton of questions when it comes to following after Jesus, and in this series we will explore what it looks like, who it’s for and what it means for all of us.

Starting Point (Easter)

Everything has a starting point. Every job, every journey, every living thing. Our faith has a starting point as well. If the resurrection is real, what are the implications for us? How can it really become the starting point of our faith?


A good rescue is always worth talking about. But a good rescue is only “good” if it’s necessary. In this series, we will see why humanity needed to be rescued and how Jesus accomplished that through death on the cross, being who He says He is and finally defeating death.

Unmet Expectations

Everyone has times in life where their expectations aren’t met. Sometimes, those situations are so drastic that, if we are honest, we believe God has let us down. Where was He? Why didn’t He intervene? It’s in these moments where our response makes all the difference.


A good rescue is always worth talking about. But a good rescue is only “good” if it’s necessary. In this series, we will see why humanity needed to be rescued and how Jesus accomplished that through death on the cross, being who He says He is and finally defeating death.

Lessons From The Cross

What significance does the cross have on humanity’s rescue? Did we even need to be rescued? As we look the time Jesus hung on the cross we can find many truths about what He did and why it matters.


A good rescue is always worth talking about. But a good rescue is only “good” if it’s necessary. In this series, we will see why humanity needed to be rescued and how Jesus accomplished that through death on the cross, being who He says He is and finally defeating death.

Giving Multiplied

When we give to Jesus, He can do more than we could ever imagine. Our logic and limited understanding is simply no match for His multiplication.


Is giving commanded? What should we give? How much? Why? All of these questions matter, and the answers may be surprising to many people. We will answer these questions and more as we really investigate the power of giving.

Giving Reveals

When we talk about money at church, people can get a bit uncomfortable. But honestly, the way we handle our finances can tell us a lot about our priorities and what we really value.


Is giving commanded? What should we give? How much? Why? All of these questions matter, and the answers may be surprising to many people. We will answer these questions and more as we really investigate the power of giving.

Opportunity of Giving

When we think of the word “opportunity”, we don’t normally correlate that with giving. But what if we radically changed our view? What if we truly began to see giving as an opportunity to make a different in the Kingdom?


Is giving commanded? What should we give? How much? Why? All of these questions matter, and the answers may be surprising to many people. We will answer these questions and more as we really investigate the power of giving.