Want to know what's going on around Impact or sign up for a class or event? Check out our upcoming events below.
You work way too hard to be this broke! Now is the time to take back control of your money, and that starts by taking Financial Peace University. Click the button below to join the class at Impact starting on Sunday, September 29th, at 1pm — and start making your money work for you. The cost for this 9-week course is $79.99 (if you sign up with your spouse that covers both of you) and that includes all course materials and lunch every week.
Our next session of Impact 101 will be on Sunday, October 6th, immediately following the 11am service. If you'd like to learn about our mission, vision, and how you can engage in that mission to make a Kingdom difference, then Impact 101 is for you! Light refreshments and childcare will be provided. Click the button below to sign up!
If you'd like to stay connected to what's going on around Impact, click below to subscribe to our email list! We send our Connection Point newsletter at the beginning of each month, and it gives you all the info about to connect at Impact to know God's love, grow in His love, and show His love to the world.