Suffering and Evil


If God is so loving, why is there so much evil and suffering in the world? Why wouldn’t God just create a world where that stuff didn’t exist? Is it all just chance or is there some explanation and reason for evil and suffering?


In this series, we will examine three tough topics often thought about (if not asked) by those inside and outside of the church. If God is so loving, where is there so much evil and suffering in the world? How can we trust the Bible? Is abortion wrong? There are no easy answers, but Scripture helps us navigate these questions with wisdom, grace, and intelligence.

Victory Over Temptation


Once we know about the deception of temptation and the nature of temptation, it’s a lot easier for us to be prepared when it arises. The ultimate goal for all of us should be to have victory over temptation. But how can we live that way? What does it look like to walk in freedom?


I know you’ve all seen, or maybe even used, an Instagram or Snapchat filter. Over the next four weeks, we will expose the truth of how temptation comes to us with filters attached—it’s sin dressed up to look good. We will explore how temptation comes and how we can overcome temptation through the power of Jesus Christ.

Nature of Temptation


It’s very easy to blame God when we give into various temptations, but the truth is, God doesn’t tempt us. Temptation is not only deceptive, it is very dangerous.


I know you’ve all seen, or maybe even used, an Instagram or Snapchat filter. Over the next four weeks, we will expose the truth of how temptation comes to us with filters attached—it’s sin dressed up to look good. We will explore how temptation comes and how we can overcome temptation through the power of Jesus Christ.

Father’s Day 2020


Not only are dad’s called to lead, as Christ-followers, we are all spiritual leaders in some sense. Whether it is leading at home, at work, in the neighborhood, on a team, in a life group, or any other aspect, we are being watched. The example we set makes a difference. As we look at the Apostle Paul in his first letter to the church in Thessalonica, we see some important attributes of leading well.

Deception of Temptation


Like the first temptation in the Garden of Eden, all temptation is deceptive: it offers something good, but only leads to hurt.


I know you’ve all seen, or maybe even used, an Instagram or Snapchat filter. Over the next four weeks, we will expose the truth of how temptation comes to us with filters attached—it’s sin dressed up to look good. We will explore how temptation comes and how we can overcome temptation through the power of Jesus Christ.

Overcoming Distractions


As we discussed last week, the closer we get to completing the work God has called us to, the harder the enemy will fight to stop us. Nehemiah was faced with the distractions, rumors, and attempts to get him to compromise. His response to this opposition is something we can learn from as we are sure to face some distractions of our own. Let’s learn how we finish strong!


What are you doing to make a difference in your world? Sometimes we just aren’t sure what we are supposed to be doing, and other times we just don’t really know how to do it. As we dig into the book of Nehemiah, we will see what it looks like to have a God-given burden, how to take practical steps to begin acting on that burden, and how to overcome obstacles and distractions that are sure to come when we start doing God’s work. The time is now!

Overcoming Discouragement


When we start doing what God has called us to do, we will undoubtedly face opposition in the form of discouragement. As we will see in the work of Nehemiah, that opposition will come from the outside and the inside. What can we do to overcome the opposition of discouragement? How can we continue to push forward doing God’s work?


What are you doing to make a difference in your world? Sometimes we just aren’t sure what we are supposed to be doing, and other times we just don’t really know how to do it. As we dig into the book of Nehemiah, we will see what it looks like to have a God-given burden, how to take practical steps to begin acting on that burden, and how to overcome obstacles and distractions that are sure to come when we start doing God’s work. The time is now!

The Blueprint


When it’s time to take action, what do we do? Is it enough to accept the burden and then start acting with no clear direction or careful planning? In the Book of Nehemiah, we see some practical steps we can take to begin doing what God has called us to do


What are you doing to make a difference in your world? Sometimes we just aren’t sure what we are supposed to be doing, and other times we just don’t really know how to do it. As we dig into the book of Nehemiah, we will see what it looks like to have a God-given burden, how to take practical steps to begin acting on that burden, and how to overcome obstacles and distractions that are sure to come when we start doing God’s work. The time is now!

Let it Break Your Heart


God has placed within us all a burden or a passion. Some of us know exactly what it is, while others haven’t quite realized it yet. Either way, God is calling us to act. As we journey through the beginning of the book of Nehemiah, we will see that when we begin to take that burden seriously, we can’t help but do something about it.


What are you doing to make a difference in your world? Sometimes we just aren’t sure what we are supposed to be doing, and other times we just don’t really know how to do it. As we dig into the book of Nehemiah, we will see what it looks like to have a God-given burden, how to take practical steps to begin acting on that burden, and how to overcome obstacles and distractions that are sure to come when we start doing God’s work. The time is now!

Mother’s Day 2020


Ever felt like you were a failure as a mom? Do all the little things you do even matter? How do you prepare yourself for the “Mommy” world? Being a mom is a lot of work, and there is a lot of pressure. Pastor Dustin and his wife, Ashley, discuss these things in real, practical, candid ways as we celebrate moms on this Mother’s Day.