But, God

What does it mean to be dead in our sin? Is that really a thing? If it is a thing, how do we get un-dead? Paul explains the central idea of sin and trespasses and then transitions into the solution – God and His grace.


God can seem mysterious and far away. His ways are definitely not like our ways. How can we know Him? How can we know our role in this whole “Christian” lifestyle? Is there some sort of playbook? As we dive into the book of Ephesians, we will see God’s ultimate purpose, our ultimate purpose, and how God intends for us to live out both in our everyday lives. We will learn what it means to live in community with God and community with others.


Have you ever talked to someone about something and had no idea what they were actually saying? It just seemed like a huge mystery. The Christian life can sometimes feel that way. What is God’s ultimate purpose? What is our ultimate purpose? How can we really live life the way God wants us to? These are all important questions, and Paul addresses all of this and much more!


God can seem mysterious and far away. His ways are definitely not like our ways. How can we know Him? How can we know our role in this whole “Christian” lifestyle? Is there some sort of playbook? As we dive into the book of Ephesians, we will see God’s ultimate purpose, our ultimate purpose, and how God intends for us to live out both in our everyday lives. We will learn what it means to live in community with God and community with others.

Ultimate Grave Robber

Jesus is the ultimate grave robber. He brings dead things back to life. When we truly need to experience breakthrough, the Grave Robber is the one to turn to!


Experiencing breakthrough is always a hot topic. Mostly everyone wants, at some point, breakthrough. We oftentimes get bogged down with past mistakes, sin, guilt, shame, uncertainty, and stagnation. How do we overcome these things? Where is Jesus in the midst of these situations? Does He care? Can we ever get out? Can we really experience breakthrough?

Flesh Presses, Faith Touches

We allow things to build up in our lives until we reach a breaking point. As a last resort, sometimes we run to Jesus. What if we lived life in a way that reaches out to touch Jesus in faith instead of just bumping into Him every now and then?


Experiencing breakthrough is always a hot topic. Mostly everyone wants, at some point, breakthrough. We oftentimes get bogged down with past mistakes, sin, guilt, shame, uncertainty, and stagnation. How do we overcome these things? Where is Jesus in the midst of these situations? Does He care? Can we ever get out? Can we really experience breakthrough?

Do You Want It?


Do you think everyone who is sick really wants to be healed? Even when we know we need help, sometimes we rather camp out in misery and never be changed. We can gauge our desire for real breakthrough by honestly answering some important questions.


Experiencing breakthrough is always a hot topic. Mostly everyone wants, at some point, breakthrough. We oftentimes get bogged down with past mistakes, sin, guilt, shame, uncertainty, and stagnation. How do we overcome these things? Where is Jesus in the midst of these situations? Does He care? Can we ever get out? Can we really experience breakthrough?

It’s Time To Drink


The story of the woman at the well is a popular one. Jesus talks to someone no other Jew would talk to. Jesus calls out her sin. Jesus tells her about a different kind of water. But what does that mean for us? What does this story have to do with us experiencing breakthrough?


Experiencing breakthrough is always a hot topic. Mostly everyone wants, at some point, breakthrough. We oftentimes get bogged down with past mistakes, sin, guilt, shame, uncertainty, and stagnation. How do we overcome these things? Where is Jesus in the midst of these situations? Does He care? Can we ever get out? Can we really experience breakthrough?

Failure Figure


We all make mistakes in life, but what do we do when those failures seem to be of epic proportion? Where is Jesus in the midst of our failures? Do we have to retreat or can we keep pushing forward? Experiencing breakthrough begins with remembering who Jesus is.


Experiencing breakthrough is always a hot topic. Mostly everyone wants, at some point, breakthrough. We oftentimes get bogged down with past mistakes, sin, guilt, shame, uncertainty, and stagnation. How do we overcome these things? Where is Jesus in the midst of these situations? Does He care? Can we ever get out? Can we really experience breakthrough?

Sanctity of Life


What does it mean when people say “sanctity of life” and is it relevant for us today? What does God say about human life? When does it start? Is it valuable? These are questions worth answering.


In this series, we will examine three tough topics often thought about (if not asked) by those inside and outside of the church. If God is so loving, where is there so much evil and suffering in the world? How can we trust the Bible? Is abortion wrong? There are no easy answers, but Scripture helps us navigate these questions with wisdom, grace, and intelligence.

Suffering and Evil


If God is so loving, why is there so much evil and suffering in the world? Why wouldn’t God just create a world where that stuff didn’t exist? Is it all just chance or is there some explanation and reason for evil and suffering?


In this series, we will examine three tough topics often thought about (if not asked) by those inside and outside of the church. If God is so loving, where is there so much evil and suffering in the world? How can we trust the Bible? Is abortion wrong? There are no easy answers, but Scripture helps us navigate these questions with wisdom, grace, and intelligence.

Victory Over Temptation


Once we know about the deception of temptation and the nature of temptation, it’s a lot easier for us to be prepared when it arises. The ultimate goal for all of us should be to have victory over temptation. But how can we live that way? What does it look like to walk in freedom?


I know you’ve all seen, or maybe even used, an Instagram or Snapchat filter. Over the next four weeks, we will expose the truth of how temptation comes to us with filters attached—it’s sin dressed up to look good. We will explore how temptation comes and how we can overcome temptation through the power of Jesus Christ.