Secret to Contentment
What is the secret to being content?
What is the secret to being content?
Jesus has to be the one thing that drives everything.
Do you truly know God? Not just a head knowledge… do you know Him personally?
How can we stand out and truly shine like lights in a crooked and depraved generation?
To live is Christ, to die is gain. Can you imagine living in that kind of freedom?
Partners in the Gospel
Understanding who wrote this letter, to whom it was written, and the purpose it was written will help us understand the fullness of Philippians. We will see everything is for God’s glory and our joy as Believers.
We all have a choice every day who we will serve – this world and the one true God. You can’t choose both. Is Jesus the one thing that drives everything in your life or is it you?
Are you doing life alone? If so, you aren’t doing it right. We were created for community and accountability.