Preach the Word

No matter what, preach the Word. We are called to share the Gospel and to tell of what Jesus has done for us. Never stop preaching the Gospel.

Against the Flow

This culture is drifting away from Godliness, and that means we will be going against the flow of society as we stand firm on the truth of the Word of God.

Your Direction Matters

Where you end up is really determined by where you’re headed. Sometimes it is necessary to do an assessment of our direction and see if we are heading toward Jesus or away from Jesus.

Your Words Matter

Words are powerful, whether we believe it or not. They can bring death or life. How are you using your words? Are you building up or tearing down?

Fear Is A Liar

Doubt isn’t the opposite of faith. Actually, having doubt would make you a good disciple (they all doubted). Fear is the opposite of faith, and fear will you keep you from living out the purpose God has for your life. Fear is a liar.

Passing the Faith

Faith isn’t something that just happens to you; it should happen through you. One of our greatest responsibilities is to pass the faith to the next soul/generation.

Vision Sunday: One Word for the New Year

As we reflect on the previous year, may we look forward to the new year believing God is who He says He is. He is good and faithful, and because of that, we can have hope and excitement for the year ahead.

True & Trustworthy

Scripture is the inspired word of God. And we can be sure of two things: it is true, and it is trustworthy. It is a map and a mirror – it shows us our sinfulness and it shows us God’s holiness. The truth of the word of God cannot be changed, rather we (and culture) have to change because of it.

Life and Godliness

God has given us everything we need for life and for Godliness. Knowing this should give us the freedom to live the way God has called us to live.

Be A Difference Maker

No matter where you find yourself in life, you are in a place to make a difference. What are you doing to leverage your resources, time, and gifting to impact the Kingdom?