Who God Says He Is

While there are many attributes of God, let’s take a look at who God says He is. By doing this, all of His characteristics become that more powerful. If God is who He says He is, it has to change the way we do life. And that is something we can be thankful for.

As we enter the Thanksgiving season, we will undoubtedly see social media posts about all the things people are thankful for. While there’s nothing wrong with that, wouldn’t it be great to dig deeper than most of the superficial things we see on those lists? Let’s learn to be thankful for who God says we are, who God says He is, and the fact that we get to do life in a local family of Believers – the church.

Who God Says We Are

Most of us identify ourselves by what we do. The problem with that is we can never do enough. God says something different about those who belong to Him. And when God says it, it is truth! No matter what we’ve done, what we think, or what other people may say, we are valuable as sons and daughters of God. And we exist to glorify Him by proclaiming His excellencies.

As we enter the Thanksgiving season, we will undoubtedly see social media posts about all the things people are thankful for. While there’s nothing wrong with that, wouldn’t it be great to dig deeper than most of the superficial things we see on those lists? Let’s learn to be thankful for who God says we are, who God says He is, and the fact that we get to do life in a local family of Believers – the church.

Finding Rest When It’s Hard

We all want rest, but things happen. If we are honest, sometimes it is just too hard… or so we think. How do we really run toward Jesus and get that rest for our souls when it seems almost impossible?

Life is so full. Sometimes it is full of good things, while other times it is full of bad things. Either way, it seems to ALWAYS be full. We spend so much time doing so many different things, we too often find ourselves trapped in the busyness of life. This isn’t a new concept, but it is one that we must address! Until we can find some rest, we will never live out the purpose God has for us. Easier said than done, right? Throughout this series, we will look at practical ways we can move from the busyness of life to the business of the Savior. We will learn how to WIN in life.

Purpose and Priorities

One of the main problems we face in our day is that of busyness. We are always on the go, and that oftentimes leads us to jacked up priorities. As we look at Scripture, it is easy to tell that keeping our priorities straight helps us fight a life filled with worry and anxiety that comes from always being busy.

Life is so full. Sometimes it is full of good things, while other times it is full of bad things. Either way, it seems to ALWAYS be full. We spend so much time doing so many different things, we too often find ourselves trapped in the busyness of life. This isn’t a new concept, but it is one that we must address! Until we can find some rest, we will never live out the purpose God has for us. Easier said than done, right? Throughout this series, we will look at practical ways we can move from the busyness of life to the business of the Savior. We will learn how to WIN in life.

Savior and Shepherd

When we think of Jesus, a lot of times we think of this amazing Warrior. We think of a Creator, an all-powerful, all-knowing, supernatural hero. And while Jesus definitely fits that description, Psalm 23 makes it more personal. We have a Savior who loves us intimately and who is the ultimate Shepherd. As His sheep, He wants to take care of us and bring to us restoration

Life is so full. Sometimes it is full of good things, while other times it is full of bad things. Either way, it seems to ALWAYS be full. We spend so much time doing so many different things, we too often find ourselves trapped in the busyness of life. This isn’t a new concept, but it is one that we must address! Until we can find some rest, we will never live out the purpose God has for us. Easier said than done, right? Throughout this series, we will look at practical ways we can move from the busyness of life to the business of the Savior. We will learn how to WIN in life.

Come to Jesus

When we are tired, burdened, and we just don’t know what to do, Jesus invites us to come to Him. As we look at what it means to be weary and burdened, we will learn some practical ways Jesus wants to help lighten our load.

Life is so full. Sometimes it is full of good things, while other times it is full of bad things. Either way, it seems to ALWAYS be full. We spend so much time doing so many different things, we too often find ourselves trapped in the busyness of life. This isn’t a new concept, but it is one that we must address! Until we can find some rest, we will never live out the purpose God has for us. Easier said than done, right? Throughout this series, we will look at practical ways we can move from the busyness of life to the business of the Savior. We will learn how to WIN in life.

The Busyness Trap

Between fall sports, holidays, school breaks, and everything in between, life gets busy. Before we know it, we are caught in this trap, and it seems like there is no way out. As we look at a story from Luke 10, I believe we can identify those times in life that get too busy and begin to take steps toward finding rest – in Jesus.

Life is so full. Sometimes it is full of good things, while other times it is full of bad things. Either way, it seems to ALWAYS be full. We spend so much time doing so many different things, we too often find ourselves trapped in the busyness of life. This isn’t a new concept, but it is one that we must address! Until we can find some rest, we will never live out the purpose God has for us. Easier said than done, right? Throughout this series, we will look at practical ways we can move from the busyness of life to the business of the Savior. We will learn how to WIN in life.

Engage in the Mission

There is a big difference between a superficial relationship with Jesus and an intimate relationship with Him. We quickly realize where we stand when things don’t go OUR way. It’s time to take our next steps of faith and fully engage in the mission of God.

The book of Jonah is about more than some man getting swallowed up by a big fish. This book shows us what a sinner is, who the Savior is, and how we can engage in the mission of God. Jonah highlights the character and goodness of God, and invites us to take our next steps to become more like Jesus.

Responding to Regret

Have you ever made a decision and immediately regretted it? While these regretful decisions are serious, the way we respond is as equally important. We can continue in regret and end up far away from God, or we can allow regret to draw us back to the heart of the Savior. As we look at Jonah’s story, we can see how our response really matters.

The book of Jonah is about more than some man getting swallowed up by a big fish. This book shows us what a sinner is, who the Savior is, and how we can engage in the mission of God. Jonah highlights the character and goodness of God, and invites us to take our next steps to become more like Jesus.

Stop Running

What did God ask Jonah to do and why didn’t Jonah want to do it? What does this have to do with us today? As we dive in, Jonah Chapter 1 reveals the heart of God vs. heart of man!

The book of Jonah is about more than some man getting swallowed up by a big fish. This book shows us what a sinner is, who the Savior is, and how we can engage in the mission of God. Jonah highlights the character and goodness of God, and invites us to take our next steps to become more like Jesus.