The Covenant of Marriage

The marriage relationship is often treated like a contract. A contract says, “If you do this, then I will do this.” This type of marriage is unbiblical and is a recipe for disaster. Instead, God calls us to have a covenant marriage. A covenant says, “No matter what, I will.”

Sexual Immorality

When it comes to sex, the world’s view is much different than God’s view. Because we allow the world to be loudest, sexual sin is rampant in our culture. Where sexual sin exists, intimacy in relationships is driven out. How can we stay away from sexual immorality?

Godly Men and Women

The world often tells us how men and women should be, but when we turn to Scripture we find something completely different. In the context of relationships, the Bible is clear on how men and women should live. Join us as we look at the beginning of Song of Solomon and see some characteristics of Godly men and women.

Shifting our Perspective

When we shift our perspective toward Jesus, we begin to see our time and talents as resources to make a difference for the Kingdom of God. No matter what our current situation is, God wants to use us right where we are.

Shifting our Firsts

If you’ve been around church for a while you have probably heard the phrase, “first and best” at some point. This week we will dig in a bit and really look at what it means and how we can practically give God our first and best because He gave us His first and best in Jesus.

Influence Shift

Do you think you are a leader? The truth is, leadership is influence; and we all have influence. We are either leading people toward Jesus or away from Him. What would it look like if we shifted and became Godly influencers?

Home Shift

Once we shift our affection and satisfaction to Jesus, it should overflow into every aspect of our lives – including our families. How can we build a home that is truly focused on Jesus?

Satisfaction Shift

If we want to engage in the mission of making a Kingdom difference, it all starts with shifting our affection and satisfaction toward Jesus. Is He the one thing that drives everything?

The Wonder of God’s Hope (Christmas @ Impact)

Merry Christmas! Throughout this series, we have looked at the wonder of God’ love, God’s timing and God’s name. To wrap up our Christmas series, we are looking at the wonder of God’s hope. That hope? Jesus! Let’s celebrate as God loved us enough to send Jesus on a rescue mission for all humanity.

The Wonder of God’s Timing

Wonder and waiting usually don’t go together. But with God, we can be confident that He is working in the waiting, which is full of wonder. How can we get through the seasons that are supposed to be cheerful when we don’t feel cheerful at all? How can we wait on God knowing in the waiting is a beautiful, wonderful time?