In The Garden

We’ve seen Jesus enter the city, enter the temple and enter the upper room. All of these events are leading up to His eventual arrest, trial and death on the cross. As we close out this series, we will see Jesus enter the garden and cry out to the Father. We will clearly see the humanity of Jesus, while also recognizing the hypocrisy of the disciples. There is a purpose to it all: that the Scriptures may be fulfilled.

What if you knew you only had 1 week left? How would you spend your time? What would you want people to know? As we look at Jesus’ final week leading to the cross, we see His heart for humanity on display.

The Upper Room

As Jesus is preparing to die on the cross for all humanity, we see His heart as He eats a meal with His disciples. Unbeknownst to the other guys in the room, this last meal pointed directly to the sacrifice Jesus would soon become. How awesome is it that the Savior of the world was such a servant?

What if you knew you only had 1 week left? How would you spend your time? What would you want people to know? As we look at Jesus’ final week leading to the cross, we see His heart for humanity on display.


Flipping Tables

After Jesus entered Jerusalem, He immediately went to the temple and found people and things out of place. This is the famous event of Jesus “turning over tables.” Let’s look at the reason Jesus wasn’t pleased and see how we all have set tables up in our own lives that need to be flipped.

What if you knew you only had 1 week left? How would you spend your time? What would you want people to know? As we look at Jesus’ final week leading to the cross, we see His heart for humanity on display.

Who Is This Man?

Before Jesus entered Jerusalem in what would be the week leading to His death, we see Him once again tell His disciples about the cross and the resurrection, we see Him teach His disciples about serving others, and we see Him heal the blind. All of this leads to His triumphal entry where people recognize Him as the Savior, yet they don’t realize Who He really is. The question they faced thousands of years ago is the same question facing us today: Who is this man?

What if you knew you only had 1 week left? How would you spend your time? What would you want people to know? As we look at Jesus’ final week leading to the cross, we see His heart for humanity on display.