
No one likes to go through trials. It’s our DNA to run away from what makes us feel uncomfortable or causes an emotion we don’t like. But is that right decision? Can trials serve a purpose? How can we live through trials and grow closer to Jesus at the same time?


Have you ever packed way too much for vacation? Bag after bag after bag is loaded and then unloaded. After a while, all that baggage gets heavy. It is the same in life. We carry around some baggage, and the longer we carry it, the heavier it gets; the more damage it does. Through this series, we look at three common things that weigh us down and learn how we can break free of the baggage and begin to live our full potential in Christ.


Contentment ends where comparison begins. The fastest way to kill something special is to compare it to something else. These aren’t just sayings, it is truth. When we compare ourselves or our situations to others, we quickly lose focus of who God has called us to be. Comparison weighs us down and keeps us from fulfilling the purpose God has specifically for our lives.


Have you ever packed way too much for vacation? Bag after bag after bag is loaded and then unloaded. After a while, all that baggage gets heavy. It is the same in life. We carry around some baggage, and the longer we carry it, the heavier it gets; the more damage it does. Through this series, we look at three common things that weigh us down and learn how we can break free of the baggage and begin to live our full potential in Christ.


Built up unforgiveness is sometimes known, and other times it settles in our hearts without us really knowing. The problem is, unforgiveness has dire consequences in our lives. Why don’t we forgive? Should we? What does forgiving someone look like?


Have you ever packed way too much for vacation? Bag after bag after bag is loaded and then unloaded. After a while, all that baggage gets heavy. It is the same in life. We carry around some baggage, and the longer we carry it, the heavier it gets; the more damage it does. Through this series, we look at three common things that weigh us down and learn how we can break free of the baggage and begin to live our full potential in Christ.