Ready for Battle

We like to say we are ready for the fight, but are we really? What are we fighting against? And how can we make sure we are prepared? Paul explains the battle and how we can truly be ready!



Walk As Light

In this passage, Paul makes it clear that we are should be living our lives as Jesus-followers in a certain manner. We were once darkness, and because of Christ, we are now light. Are we really living like it?


God can seem mysterious and far away. His ways are definitely not like our ways. How can we know Him? How can we know our role in this whole “Christian” lifestyle? Is there some sort of playbook? As we dive into the book of Ephesians, we will see God’s ultimate purpose, our ultimate purpose, and how God intends for us to live out both in our everyday lives. We will learn what it means to live in community with God and community with others.

Our Relationships Matter

When we think about our relationships, it is very easy to reason within our minds that they really aren’t that important when it comes to our relationship with Jesus. Paul, however, debunks that notion. As he digs into the marriage relationship in Ephesians 5, we can begin to see why our relationships really do matter to God. He cares about them!


God can seem mysterious and far away. His ways are definitely not like our ways. How can we know Him? How can we know our role in this whole “Christian” lifestyle? Is there some sort of playbook? As we dive into the book of Ephesians, we will see God’s ultimate purpose, our ultimate purpose, and how God intends for us to live out both in our everyday lives. We will learn what it means to live in community with God and community with others.

A Healthy Church

Is my church healthy? Are we doing what God wants us to do? How do we know? What does it even look like? These are great questions, and Paul provides some answers for us here in Ephesians 3.


God can seem mysterious and far away. His ways are definitely not like our ways. How can we know Him? How can we know our role in this whole “Christian” lifestyle? Is there some sort of playbook? As we dive into the book of Ephesians, we will see God’s ultimate purpose, our ultimate purpose, and how God intends for us to live out both in our everyday lives. We will learn what it means to live in community with God and community with others.

Better Together

We hear the word “unity” a lot in our generation, but what does it really mean? How can we be unified? What unifies us? Why should we be unified? Paul answers all these questions in Ephesians 2.


God can seem mysterious and far away. His ways are definitely not like our ways. How can we know Him? How can we know our role in this whole “Christian” lifestyle? Is there some sort of playbook? As we dive into the book of Ephesians, we will see God’s ultimate purpose, our ultimate purpose, and how God intends for us to live out both in our everyday lives. We will learn what it means to live in community with God and community with others.

But, God

What does it mean to be dead in our sin? Is that really a thing? If it is a thing, how do we get un-dead? Paul explains the central idea of sin and trespasses and then transitions into the solution – God and His grace.


God can seem mysterious and far away. His ways are definitely not like our ways. How can we know Him? How can we know our role in this whole “Christian” lifestyle? Is there some sort of playbook? As we dive into the book of Ephesians, we will see God’s ultimate purpose, our ultimate purpose, and how God intends for us to live out both in our everyday lives. We will learn what it means to live in community with God and community with others.


Have you ever talked to someone about something and had no idea what they were actually saying? It just seemed like a huge mystery. The Christian life can sometimes feel that way. What is God’s ultimate purpose? What is our ultimate purpose? How can we really live life the way God wants us to? These are all important questions, and Paul addresses all of this and much more!


God can seem mysterious and far away. His ways are definitely not like our ways. How can we know Him? How can we know our role in this whole “Christian” lifestyle? Is there some sort of playbook? As we dive into the book of Ephesians, we will see God’s ultimate purpose, our ultimate purpose, and how God intends for us to live out both in our everyday lives. We will learn what it means to live in community with God and community with others.