Responding to God’s Love

Jesus loved us so much that he suffered the cross and ultimately defeated death on our behalf. How should we respond to that kind of love? Glory. Grace. Gall.

One truth that we can’t get over is this: the Creator of the universe loves us. Because of His love, we can be connected to Him in relationship. Because of His love, we can love others. Because of His love, we can have the boldness and power to live like Jesus. For God so loved… you!

Love After the Cross

After Jesus put death to death, He didn’t just ascend into Heaven right away. We actually see that He appeared to some folks at various times. This is important because we can get a glimpse of how His love really changes our lives – from the inside out.

One truth that we can’t get over is this: the Creator of the universe loves us. Because of His love, we can be connected to Him in relationship. Because of His love, we can love others. Because of His love, we can have the boldness and power to live like Jesus. For God so loved… you!


There are a lot of popular Bible verses, but none more known than John 3:16. As we break down this verse in the context in which it was said, we are reminded of God’s love, His rescue plan for humanity, and how we can be in relationship with Him.

One truth that we can’t get over is this: the Creator of the universe loves us. Because of His love, we can be connected to Him in relationship. Because of His love, we can love others. Because of His love, we can have the boldness and power to live like Jesus. For God so loved… you!