Spirit of Gentleness

Paul says to use your freedom for gentleness.

Galatians is an important letter we find in the New Testament. Written to Christians who were struggling to live in the freedom of God’s grace, the elements of this letter can help us learn what it means to truly have freedom through Christ.

Flesh or Spirit

We are called to be free, but the way in which we use that freedom is very important. Paul digs deep in Chapter 5 to show us exactly what it looks like to live in freedom, allowing the Spirit to work in and through us.

Galatians is an important letter we find in the New Testament. Written to Christians who were struggling to live in the freedom of God’s grace, the elements of this letter can help us learn what it means to truly have freedom through Christ.

Why the Law?

If we aren’t justified by the Law, why does it even matter? Does it serve any purpose for us today? Did the Apostle Paul really want us to just forget about it completely? These are important questions to consider as we continue to unpack Galatians.


Galatians is an important letter we find in the New Testament. Written to Christians who were struggling to live in the freedom of God’s grace, the elements of this letter can help us learn what it means to truly have freedom through Christ.

Freedom from Foolishness

Have you ever started something and been pretty successful, but somewhere along the way, you decided to do it differently and things kind of fell apart? Why is it that we don’t trust the very thing that helped us start well? That is foolishness. The good news is, we can be free of foolishness if we really choose to be.


Galatians is an important letter we find in the New Testament. Written to Christians who were struggling to live in the freedom of God’s grace, the elements of this letter can help us learn what it means to truly have freedom through Christ.

Secure in Jesus

Because of Jesus, we have the freedom to live life differently than ever before. The problem is, we often elevate other attributes of our identity above our identity in Him. Once we become secure in who we are because of Who He is, everything changes.


Galatians is an important letter we find in the New Testament. Written to Christians who were struggling to live in the freedom of God’s grace, the elements of this letter can help us learn what it means to truly have freedom through Christ.

Worth Fighting For

Some things are just worth fighting for. We could all probably list many things. Just like us, the Apostle Paul thought some things were worth fighting for. We see in Galatians 1, he was willing to fight for the Gospel. Not just any gospel – the ONLY true Gospel.


Galatians is an important letter we find in the New Testament. Written to Christians who were struggling to live in the freedom of God’s grace, the elements of this letter can help us learn what it means to truly have freedom through Christ.