Choose This Day
We all have a choice every day who we will serve – this world and the one true God. You can’t choose both. Is Jesus the one thing that drives everything in your life or is it you?
We all have a choice every day who we will serve – this world and the one true God. You can’t choose both. Is Jesus the one thing that drives everything in your life or is it you?
Are you doing life alone? If so, you aren’t doing it right. We were created for community and accountability.
If you want true rest, it is only found in the promises of God. Don’t just believe in Him; believe Him.
We all need refuge. The church should be a place of refuge for all people, and most importantly, Jesus is our true refuge.
We will all leave inheritance, but as Believers, we all have an eternal inheritance through Jesus.
Do you pray big, bold prayers or are your prayers more routine?
Even when it feels like God isn’t working, don’t stop pursuing.
God’s plan is always better than our plan.
Rahab would never be our first choice, but God specializes in using ordinary, imperfect people to accomplish great things for the Kingdom.
God told Joshua 3 times to be strong and courageous. Why? Because he was weak and afraid. What is fear keeping you from stepping into? What is God calling you to do right now?